Vocera Customer Ideas

Scheduling Text Messages in User Console, Staff Assignment and Vocera Messaging

I would like to request an enhancement to the user console "send a Text Message" feature. I would like the option to set up future delivery of a text message.

For example, lets say it is Friday and I know on Sunday the hospital is going to have a wireless downtime at 0200. I would like to set up a text message to be delivered at 0130 (30 minutes prior to the scheduled downtime) a reminder to all Vocera users that Vocera will not be available from 0200-0245 for a "wireless upgrade" or whatever is going on.

I would also like the option to be able to cancel a future message (prior to delivery of course) if for some reason the downtime is canceled I can retract the message.

Since I know that not all users will be logged on at this time, have a setting so that this message is only delivered to active users or there is a setting so you can expire or remove all undelivered messages". That way if the downtime is done at 0245, users logging on at 0800 would not receive this message.


Arlene Matteson RN BS
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  • Jan 31 2020
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