Vocera Customer Ideas

Device Manager to show badges actively in use

I think it would be great if the device manger would show (possibly by highlighting) badges that are actively in use and /or on the network.  This would be very helpful in that with a quick glance you can  identify when badges marked as lost have resurfaced back on the network or if badge status has been incorrectly modified (such as marked as retired when it is currently in use).  When I send reports to my  managers I do not include badges with a status of Retired, RMAed or Sent for Repair.  This would ensure that badges belonging to a department and are in use remain in the assigned department and are included ont he appropriate reports.

I know that I can view a badges on the network via the status screen but once again I need to return to the device manager to see the physical status assigned to the particular device.
  • Guest
  • Jan 31 2020
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