Vocera Customer Ideas

Designate Users as Known Floaters""

Often times Users in "floating" possitions will forget to add themselves to their group(s) for the day.  And in departments/facilities that cannot or will not use Staff Assignment, a reminder for those Users that they need to add themselves to their daily groups would go a long way in keeping the daily workflow current/correct.

For those Users who float on a daily basis, or nearly daily basis, it would be advantageous to be able to mark them as "Known Floaters".  Of course many Users will float to other areas, but this is directed mainly at those who float on a nearly daily basis.

If designated as such, the login process for such a User could take advantage of the "Add me to multiple groups" feature, only with a modified Genie prompt.  It could look something like:
  1. User presses the Call button to log in
  2. Genie:  Good Morning. Please say or spell your first and last name.
  3. User: User A
  4. Genie: Ok. I'm logging you in as, User A.
  5. Genie: What roles are you in today? Say a Group name each time you hear the tone. Press the Call button when done. <beep>
  6. User: Float Nurse 1
  7. Genie: <beep>
  8. User: Float Nurse 2
  9. Genie: I'm adding you to groups, Float Nurse 1 and Float Nurse 2.
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  • Jan 31 2020
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