Vocera Customer Ideas

Please show all User settings in Admin Console... Please Please Please...

In the Admin Console under User, you cannot view/create/edit the settings for Forwarding or Instant Conference.
To view those settings you have to actually log into the User Console as the User to view/change those two (and a few other) options.

However, if you implement Active Directory authentication for Vocera Voice... you will LOSE the ability to login as a specific user in the User Admin... unless you know their AD login/password... and that kind of defeats the purpose of having AD do the authentication.

So can we please please please have an Admin Console view of ALL the User settings.....

Please....Pretty please.

  • Guest
  • Jan 31 2020
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    • Admin
      Jeff Prentice commented
      May 05, 2020 03:42

      The ability to see/edit all user settings has been added to the Vocera Platform in 6.X.

    • +62