Vocera Customer Ideas

Ability to sort columns throughout the Admin Console

As an App Admin responsible for multiple sites and multiple units within those sites it would nice if you could sort columns in all sections and under all tabs in the Admin Console. 

Currently the sort feature only works when in the Device section and in the Status Monitor section under the Badge Status tab.  When you move to the Group Status or Device Status tabs, the ability to sort by the different columns is lost.  I realize that I can pick individual sites to review information on, but I often need to review and compare sites for various reasons and the ability to sort by the rows within either the Device or Group Status tabs would be very helpful.

The sort feature would also be useful when reviewing information in the Location and Address Book windows so that I can look for duplicate names between sites, as there may be something that needs to be revised to ensure all entries are named accurately.

Thank you,
  • Guest
  • Jan 31 2020
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