Vocera Customer Ideas

Add the AnonUserName property to the Badge.properties file

This is incredibly useful for sites that have to setup individual accounts for their vocera badges. When the badges are setup, you enter the Service Account information to get them to join the network. However, after they join, there is no way to track them other than by their IP or MAC. Adding the AnonUserName property allows you to search for the device by a name, which is much easier to remember, and also easier for staff to give you.

This request is to have the Badge Properties Editor automatically add in AnonUserName property to the Badge.properties file to be the same as the service account name that had to be entered. This should have no ill effect on sites using a generic account for all badges, but allows for specific individual searching of devices that have individual service accounts.

To my knowledge, this field has to be entered manually currently.


B3.UserName domain\\VOCERA-1 <--- This gets created automatically

B3.AnonUserName domain\\VOCERA-1 <--- This you currently have to add manually

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  • Jan 31 2020
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