Vocera Customer Ideas

PEAP unique user name and Password Authentication

As a Customer System Administrator and Vocera Technical Support Engineer I would like to have a feature for unique user name and password for PEAP Authentication. Where I can upload a CSV or text file or supported file with badge mac address, user name and password instead of manually editing BPE for each user name and password. Where config compare the badge mac address and grab the userid and password from CSV or supported file and pushed the config to badge.

Back in customer used to create CSV file which will contain badge mac, userid, password

Than open the BCU from command line

BCU - uunp badgeIDs.csv.

which will pull he userid and password matching the badge mac and push out the config to badge.

Since BCU is now Web gui based above hack does not work any more. If this can be implemented in the tool iteself.

  • Guest
  • Jan 31 2020
  • Attach files
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