Vocera Customer Ideas

Factory Reset also look for DNS (vocera-staging.localdomain)

If the C1000 firmware were configured to look for both a vocera-staging.localdomain DNS entry and the IP address, badges could better serve enterprise workflows while still supporting simplicity for smaller customers.

For example, when factory reset, the C1000 could connect to vocera-staging.localhost which would enable our enterprise DNS server to resolve to any IP assigned to the BCU. This would allow us to host the BCU in our datacetner and simply power on a pre-configured AP (or temporarily enable SSID Vocera on a site AP) to factory reset badges at any of our 50+ sites. conflicts with other applications, and therefore cannot be utilzed on a VM in our datacenter without complex subnet and vlan configuration. By utilizing DNS lookup, we can overcome this limitation.

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  • Nov 4 2022
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