Vocera Customer Ideas

User unavailable behavior

“User Currently Offline” sent to sending user when sending a message to an offline user. Notification of Care Provider that is off line. Nurse contact provider and they are off line and the need for secondary coverage. Will need more feedback? BUT would be (for NG client),  End of Q2, 2019  This has been a high priority recurrent request: make it harder for someone to message an ‘unavailable’ clinician.  Either create a popup that say’s “This person is unavailable.  Are you sure you want to send this message?” before they can ‘send’ the note – or create an obvious change to the text input screen (from white to a light shade of red as an example) so that the sender knows they’re messaging an unavailable clinician.  As Parkland commented (and heard elsewhere), some physicians are concerned that this puts them at risk: someone has sent them a note when they’re n/a and responses will be grossly delayed.

  • Mark Lichman
  • Sep 20 2018
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