Vocera Customer Ideas

Add a new column/field to several tables for descriptive purpises forVCE

To the following 3 tables, ADIntegrationSetttings, SAMLIntegrationSettings and Units, we would like to have a new column/field added to the SQL table for descriptive purposes only.  It is currently cumbersome to track down info in these tables.
iI the ADL and SAML tables it would be easier to have a description field where you have the tenant's name up front so you don't have to try guess at the tenant by any of the other fields. As for units we have been putting the identifier in the abbreviation field as a way to help but the Abbreviation field shows as the Unit within Care Calls.  So, it would be helpful to have a descriptive name for each unit.  The new field wouldn't have an impact on anything as it wouldn't be tied to anything.  This is a few minute addition that wouldn't harm anything and would help us be quicker with identification even once we totally move to admin tools since that field could still get pulled in.
  • Guest
  • Nov 26 2019
  • Completed
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  • +20