Vocera Customer Ideas

New VCE Survey Questions added at Top of survey

Is it possible to add a check box on the Add Question/New question box (screenshots provided below) that is labeled 'Place at Top' that, if checked, would put the new question/header at the top of the survey instead of starting at the bottom.  The new question/header would start as displayorder = '10' and all other entries within that survey would get 10 added to it (10 becomes 20, 20 becomes 30, etc. until the end of the survey). 

In the G2G_OLTP.dbo.SurveyDefinitionQuestionList table each survey is broken down into SurveyDefinitionId(s).  Each question and/or section header of a survey is listed by SurveyQuestionDefinitionId and the order of those questions/section headers is listed in the DisplayOrder field.  Displayorder starts at 10 (the first/top question or header) and increases by 10 per entry to determine display order.

There is already a JIra case for this VCE-44 and it was added on April 12, 2018

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  • Nov 26 2019
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