Vocera Customer Ideas

Rate this App Feature for Vocera Smartphone Apps

Submitted on behalf of Josh Mahler:
"As you know, one key to end user adoption is getting off to a good start with any new deployment.  That being said, I think that we sometimes struggle with getting instant feedback from end users during a go live event, or right after an upgrade in order to accurately assess the quality of the end user experience with our app.  Often times we are reliant on the end user taking time out of their busy schedule to make a call to their helpdesk, and then the helpdesk contacting us.  Sometimes that results in knowing about the problem days after it has occurred.  Therefore, I would like to propose that we provide an option for system administrators to turn on a “rate my experience” option that can be used at any time, maybe for only a subset of users, in order to get feedback directly from the end user on how the call or alert notification process went for them.  What I’m envisioning is a pop up box with 5 stars asking the end user to tell us how well things went.  For example, in VCS when a call is complete, the dialog box immediately pops up asking them how the call went.  They could easily press a “not now” or “close” box to choose to not give feedback, or they can quickly rate the quality of the call.  I’m sure you’ve seen something like with other apps including Skype or Webex, which I commonly see.  For anything less than 5 stars, there would be a couple of options to choose from to select what could have been better, such as volume, call quality, etc.  The keys for this would be to make it “stupid simple” for the end user and most importantly, allowing the sys admin to control when and who would get prompted for feedback as we wouldn’t want it on for everyone all the time. 
By the way, the inspiration for this came from my use this morning of a scooter sharing app called Lime that I discovered on my trip to San Jose where I felt really good about giving feedback that the particular scooter I rented that time didn’t go as fast as the previous one. "
  • Kim Beauchamp
  • Feb 1 2020
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