Vocera Customer Ideas

Play Urgent Messages Automatically Upon Login

Urgent Messages should be played automatically upon login.  I have come up with a clumsy but effective workaround, if I create a dummy user and record my message as the user's name, then leave a message of some kind, then my real message would be played.

I find people either don't know how to play messages, or just ignore them, but we still need to get important messages out, even to people who work swing/night shift etc, so broadcasting isn't always a good answer.
  • Guest
  • Feb 1 2020
  • Completed
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Mike Ryker commented
    November 14, 2020 00:43

    Additional message reminders were added to the "who called" dialog which automatically plays at login as of Voice Server 5.3

  • +2