Vocera Customer Ideas

Add option to select multiple device types on all diagnostic reports to reduce smartphone induced errors

Modify search parameters of all diagnostic reports to allow creating a list of all device types except the SmartPhone (similar to how multiple departments are added). Currently I can run the report for either ALL or one type of device, no way to pick multiple devices so I can exclude the phones on one run of the report.   Otherwise the reports must be run individually by type and then collated in spreadsheets to get the data for just the B1000 and B2000 badges.

Current recognition rate diagnostic type  reports indicates 25 SmartPhone users are running at  45%,  the organization (1200 badges+ smart phones) has an 85%  (86.2% if I exclude the SmartPhone phone data)

The SmartPhone call volume is high enough that they artificially skew the report results to a lower recognition rate for any department that uses a Vocera SmartPhone. One of the larger departments has an overall rate of 82.5% when phones are included but rises to 86.2% when the phones are excluded. A smaller department has 75.1% with phones included, 88.3% without phone data. We use the recog rate to report to management on the effectiveness of Vocera, user training, network performance, etc.,  a 1% drop can be a big deal when requesting new equipment, etc..

As we reported, SmartPhone phone users do no perceive having any problems when using the phone. They tend to use them just like a cell phone and do not use the voice recognition features nearly as much as a badge user.

If you cannot fix the root problem, adding additional report device type parameter will allow us discern real from imaginary issues

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  • Feb 1 2020
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