Vocera Customer Ideas


Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit UNCATIDEA-I-312 Vocera Staff Assignment.

Colors for alternating rows for Bed/Roles in Staff Assignment Merged

Staff have requested having the Bed/Role rows with different colors so identical Beds/Roles are the same color. 

Example: Health Care Assistants (HCA's) rows would be the same color for all of the beds HCA's are assigned and a separate color for nurses for their Bed/Role. The HCA roles would show up easily by the color assigned to the role - the same for the nurse.

I suggest the color option selection in Bed/Role tab as they are assigned to a unit. If the group is moved back to the 'Groups in Site' section the colors are reset to 'no color'.
  • Guest
  • Feb 1 2020