Vocera Customer Ideas

Badge/mobile last used report without the Notes field

Can the Asset Tracking: Badge/Mobile Last Used report be generated/scheduled without including the Notes field. We would like to auto send this report to our Vocera using areas twice a week, but the Notes field is not needed and makes the report longer than it needs to be, since some of the note entries are lengthy. In addition, the Notes field contains administrative details that may cause end user confusion; thus, extra work for the administrative team. I have spoken with Vocera support about which report best meets the needs of my Vocera using areas, which is to know who last used a badge and when, so the area can track down any badges that may be missing. We are currently auto sending the Asset Tracking: Inventory Status Report, but after a Vocera support call yesterday, we were advised there is a known issue with the report in that it does not include a user's information when all they did was log onto a badge; thus, the report does not show the user name, facility, and department. This obliviously means the report cannot be relied on to provide the information an area needs to know who last logged onto a badge and when. The Vocera support person showed us the Badge/Mobile Last Used report, but as I mentioned above, it has that Notes field that we do not want included in the report for the previously stated reasons. Thank you for your consideration.

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  • Jul 17 2024
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