Vocera Customer Ideas

Change device owner in analytic reports when owner is changed in the Admin database & Bring back old report server capabilities

Two topics

Topic A:

To track their own inventory, our areas have a basic need to have a report that lists their area's assigned badges and who was last signed on to each badge and when regardless of how long ago it was last logged on to. With guidance from Vocera, they helped me settle on the Asset Tracking: Inventory Status report. However, as time went on, two issues were discovered with this report: (1) If a badge's device owner is changed in the Admin database, this ownership change does not get reflected in the Analytics reports for lost or broken badges taken out of use. Therefore, an area has badges listed on its analytics report that are no longer owned by them in the Admin database. This is confusing to the areas who are just trying to account for the badge inventory. Can this please be fixed so analytic reports reflect the correct badge ownership as shown in the Admin database.

(2) Just today, I was advised by the support person I was speaking with that he believes the following issue was fixed in a recent release. I have not yet had the time to check this, but the issue was Analytics was not counting a simple login, with no other user action, as activity.

Topic B:

We liked the old report server as it gave us the information we needed about the badges themselves and incoming/outgoing calls to groups/users. Can you bring back the reporting capabilities that were available in the old report server.

Thank you

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  • Sep 16 2024
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