Vocera Customer Ideas

An Audio Alert when Mobile Device Lossess WiFi Connectivity.

To whom so ever it may concern,

The idea of an audible alert when Mobile device loses the connectivity will be very helpful for our end users/Nurses.
Nurses have many cretical tasks to manage all day and alerting system helps them for some of them. However, in case of any Technical issue with wifi, may it be access point down or total loss of wifi connectivity. they will be last to know if they are providing patient care bed side.
Currently, red bar appears on top of screen for same. however, nurses carry this phone in their pockets ad wont be checking phones cosistantly.
An audible alert from engage app of device not detecting WIFI would be a great help to make them aware not to depend on mobile devices for critical alerts.

Thank you!
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  • Jan 31 2020
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