Vocera Customer Ideas

When making a Vina call off-site, the Direct Access Banner is confusing - request to make this more intuitive.

When making a Vina call off-site, the Direct Access Banner with the associated phone number pops up (screenshot attached).

The user must tap this banner to make any calls.

The added step of tapping a random banner to make a call is confusing.

Even more confusing is that the Banner has a the Direct Access Phone number - So it seems like the User is making a call to a random phone number and not to the intended person.

Ideally, this banner is removed completely.

If this is not an option, can we please change the Direct Access Phone NUMBER to display VERBIAGE that instructs the User to tap the banner to make the call. For example, instead of a phone number, replace it with the words "Tap to Initiate Call".

  • Erin Maruoka
  • Apr 9 2021
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