Vocera Customer Ideas

Add support for error checking badge.properties by locale

We recently had an issue with making a change to the badge.properties that made our badges inoperable. Unsupported channels by locale added to the badge.properties in our experience renders the badge properties to be sent to the badge at update, rendering it inoperable until the unsupported channel is removed and configuration repushed to the device.

We would like to see an enhancement made to the specified channels list in the Badge Properties Editor the inabilit yto input unsupport channels, by locale, not specified in the 'Vocera Badge Configuraiton guide'. Page 37/59 lists the supported channels by locale.
  • Guest
  • Jan 31 2020
  • Completed
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  • Admin
    Mike Ryker commented
    November 01, 2021 19:14

    BPE restricts channel settings per locale - the logic was updated in 5.7 to include channel 12 and 13 support in the appropriate regions.

  • +1