Vocera Customer Ideas

Email alert from emergency broadcasts

It would be nice to have a configurable email alert go out to selected groups or users if an emergency alert is initiated. Normally, this would be used if safety or life is at risk, so this would allow selected non Vocera users to be alerted to the sitation as well. It could be a simple template generated by the system stating that "<User> located at <location> has initiated an emergency broadcast. " This email could allow selected non Vocera users to try to contact the user to figure out if further assistance is needed, or at the very least, have someone go over to the area to investigate based on the group that the user belongs too.

There could be multiple uses for this. More so since version 5.1 can have multiple emergency broadcast groups. For instance:
* Facility workers that may be alone but get hurt on the job and can't get to a phone. 
* Staff in a psychiatric unit under distress.
* A single nurse with a patient under ditress and needs immediate assistance.
  • Guest
  • Jan 31 2020
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      Mike Ryker commented
      May 13, 2022 21:29

      This is available via rules-engine configuration in Platform 6.

    • +4