Vocera Customer Ideas

Ability to send devices to a different VCG.


One thing that would be useful would be the ability to route a specific device (iPhone, for example) to a specific VCG.  While I know I can failover, I'm sure you can understand the need for this in the instance that a site has two site specific VCGs.  Certain multicast troubleshooting scenarios, especially if you route traffic across multiple data centers, can require a need to move devices to those specific VCGs.  Let me give an example:

Two iPhones are in play with one badge.

iPhone 1:  Connected to voc-vcg-a (site specific environmental variable to site Methodist)
iPhone 2:  Connected to voc-vcg-b (site specific environmental variable to site Methodist)

Data and voice network want to troubleshoot a multicast scenario (delay, whatever), and they want to verify that when one device is connected to voc-vcg-a, and another is connected to voc-vcg-b, there is no delay.  Currently, you have to either walk around until one of the devices crosses an AP that moves it over to the other VCG, find another user who is connected to the VCG needed, or just start logging into multiple devices until one logs into another VCG.  If your facility also then has more than just two VCGs (like we do), you also run into the VCG architecture taking over and assigning over to any VCG if none have the same site. 

If there was an option in the admin console to send a command to the device that would route it to a specific VCG, or some other type of scenario to do this.

  • Guest
  • Jan 31 2020
  • Will not do
  • Attach files
  • +1