Vocera Customer Ideas

Dedicated Speech Recognition fields

I am aware that you have separate speech recognition fields for "Member Name - Singular", "Member Name - Plural", and "Alternate Spoken Group Name". However, there is currently no way to control all genie playback of a group name.

Many end users find it frustrating to have a group name that is visible have it's name modified just so the genie will always playback the correct phonetic. For example, if a group is called CRNA OR 01, typically what we will do is list it's group name as "CRNA OR 01", because we don't want other apps such as Staff Assignment or Web Console to have akward or weird spellings such as "C R N A O R 01".

A workaround you could do for the above scenario is have the "Member Name - Singular" field be "C R N A O R 1". This would then have the genie say back "Finding CRNA OR1" when you are calling it. However, the problem is, if users utilize the Vocera device to add themselves to groups rather than by staff assignment, the speech recognition used for playback of adding to a group is the "Group Name" field rather than the "Member Name - Singular" field. So, if you add yourself to "CRNA OR1", the genie will spit back what is in the group name field, which would be "CERNA ORE One".

As you can see, there are workarounds, but ultimately what would be ideal would be the following:

  • Don't have the genie ever reference the "Group Name" field for it's own playback. This should only be used as a visual identifier in Staff Assignment and Web Console.

  • Have separate fields for Speech recognition that are more advantageous/phrased better. For example, have a field that states "Genie Playback" or something of the like that controls all .wav files that the genie references when playing back (this would be for adding to groups, calling groups, etc.).

  • The next several fields could then be for alternate spoken name fields. Do away with the whole "Member Name - Singular" or "Member Name - Plural". It's not necessary because this could just be added to additional alternate spoken group name fields. I'd say having 6 of these would be fantastic (yes, we've seen use case scenarios for up to 6).

These features would provide you the opportunity to have any group name visually appear correctly in all of your apps, but also give the ability to have the genie audibly say the correct things back in any/all scenarios.

Thank you.

-Jon Berndtson

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  • Sep 21 2020
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