Vocera Customer Ideas

Doctor prefix - Utilize first or last name from Alternate Spoken Name fields

The doctor prefix in vocera is a fantastic addition. However, the one problem is that the identifier used to to say "Call Doctor Berndtson", for example, only pulls from the Last Name field or against the Alternate Spoken Name field. This issue is also the same if you were to say "Call Doctor Jon", because it also only pulls from the First Name field or against the Alternate Spoken Name field.

To explain further, I may have an Alternate Spoken Name of "Jon Burnson" to correctly get my pronounciation of my name, but the only way "Call Doctor Burnson" or "Call Doctor Jon" would work is if I put literally "Doctor Burnson" in my alternate spoken name field, or "Doctor Jon", or if I changed my Last Name field to be the "Burnson", or my first name to be "Jon" rather than "Jonathan". This is not ideal as a user doesn't want their name incorrect, however, as an admin we'd like to make things standardized so an analyst or support staff member understands how to admin vocera better/easier.

A solution to this issue would be to have the speech recognition be smart enough to read both "Jon" and "Burnson" from the alternate name field (if the doctor prefix box is checked) so if you said "Call Doctor Jon" or "Call Doctor Burnson" it would work.

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  • Sep 24 2020
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