Vocera Customer Ideas

New Command: Temporarily Log Me Out of My Role

This feature request is submitted on behalf of Michael Fulmer of Covenant Health System.

We have a lot of float staff who float between departments and hospitals.  It would be helpful if they could issue a voice command that allows them to remain in the groups they need for their 'home' site and department/role(s) but supresses the alerts/alarms and other role based communication so they do not have to issue remove me from and add me to commands all the time just to get back into their 'home' groups.  It's suggested that a command such as, 'temporarily log me out of my role', would be helpful for not only Covenant but also other customers.
  • Guest
  • Jan 31 2020
  • Will not do
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    • Guest commented
      May 22, 2024 00:43

      In an attempt to look at this another way, could it be possible to return users to their home unit on log out? The reverse of the temporary groups?