Vocera Customer Ideas

Alarm Sensitivities for Vocera (multiple Urgent Messages - Auto-Enunciate)

Would like to have the ability to remove "Urgent Message" before the actual message within the Urgent auto enunciate severities

Also, have the option to have the message say "Urgent Message" before the actual message.

1.) NICU monitor alarms, they are losing time with the Genie saying "Urgent message" on Auto-enunciate type of alarms.
ex. Urgent message is triggered and it comes across to the badge as "61111 A Lo Sat 56"
2.) NICU monitor alarms, they would also want the ability to assign an alarm to have the Genie say "Urgent Message"
ex. Urgent message is triggered and it comes across to the badge as "Urgent Message 61111 A Brady"

Hope this is explained right. This is a good idea because when a parent or patient hears Urgent Message over the badge, they start to worry big time also is wastes about 2-3 seconds from the caregiver knowing what the alarm actually is.
  • Guest
  • Feb 1 2020
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      Mike Ryker commented
      November 14, 2020 00:35

      If a high priority message is used instead then "urgent message" will not play out. Additional configuration is available with Vocera Engage to set any priority message to enunciate if required.

    • +1