Vocera Customer Ideas

Include trial" licenses for Vocera apps"

You should include a couple "test" licenses for thing like the mobile apps with the system. Much like they did when Phone access to genie (Vocera Access Anywhere) was rolled out... every license included 3 users that could use that access. The same thing should be done for the mobile apps... I currently don’t think we have any situation where the mobile app would be needed in our environment but If i had the ability to use a license and try it out there may come a time that I end up in a situation where it may be useful once I am more familiar with the product. It’s also easier to convince people it’s something we may want to invest in if i can show them (not tell them) what it is able to do. As long as I have the required components I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to include one or 2 licenses so a person could try it (at their own leisure).
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  • Jan 31 2020
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