Vocera Customer Ideas

Request for Vina to show the reason for DND in all areas of the app for improved communication

If someone is in DND for a reason (ie: in an isolation room), if you look on the home page it or previous messages, it only show the person as Red/DND, the reason is not listed. If I search for the person in the directory, it shows the reason for DND.

Request for Vina to show the reason for DND in all areas of the app for improved communication

  • Erin Maruoka
  • Jun 24 2021
  • Planned
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    • Erin Maruoka commented
      June 25, 2021 20:12

      Hi Mark,

      The trigger would be the manual enabling of DND.

      We do not have RTLS integration.

      Please let me know if you have more questions.

      Thank you,

    • Mark Lichman commented
      June 25, 2021 07:00

      Thanks Erin. We are planning on improving DND information in the directory as part of the updates to the presence screen.

      For these automated DND cases, can you please specify the 'trigger point' for the automation, e.g. in your isolation room example, is it always an RTLS system? Are there other trigger points of interest?