Vocera Customer Ideas

Add User to Group Based on Device

In some departments/facilities the use of Staff Assignment is not practical, and users will often forget to add themselves to their dynamic groups.

As a way to help ensure that users remember to add themselves to the correct group, perhaps we could add a field to a device's Device Info tab.  This field could independent of the "Owner" field and specify which group it is inteded to be used by, then prompting the user accordingly after logon.
  1. User presses the call button to log in
  2. Genie:  Good Morning.  Please say or spell your first and last name.
  3. User:  User A
  4. Genie:  Ok.  I'm logging you in as, User A.
  5. Genie:  This badge is designated for "Group A", would you like to add yourself to the group?
  6. User:  Yes
  7. Genie:  Ok.  I'm adding you to Group A.
This would of course require that devices be clearly marked with an adhesive label to easily identify which group they are associated to.

(This Idea was submitted on behalf of the Vocera Admin at BaptistCare Griffth)
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  • Jan 31 2020
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