Vocera Customer Ideas

Longer time before Admin Console and User Console times out

We would like to have a longer period of inactivity (maybe 30 mins.) before the User and Admin Consoles time out. Our Sports & Therapy Clinic's receptionists text message the therapists when their next patient arrives. The receptionists have expressed frustration with having to log back into the User Console several times each day after being inactive between patients. I would also like longer before timing out on the Admin Console as well. I frequently get pulled away for other projects and would like to pick up where I left off without having to log in and find where I left off.

  • Guest
  • Jan 31 2020
  • Completed
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    • Admin
      Jeff Prentice commented
      May 05, 2020 03:55

      In Vocera Platform 6.X there is a configurable session timeout that can be assigned at group levels.

    • +13