Vocera Customer Ideas

Restore phone notification when users are dual logged in and get a notification

Recent changes to the VCS phone application have stopped all vibrate or ring notifications when a user who is dual logged in (phone and badge) receives a notification. Staff rely on that notification to know they have a notification in many cases and are missing these messages. We would like the functionality restored back to how it originally worked, or to be a setting we can turn on globally so sites can choose.

  • Guest
  • Jul 30 2021
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    • Guest commented
      August 15, 2022 17:02

      good day, an RN at Virginia Mason/Seattle stated, "It would be the preference of our charge RNs as well. They typically use vocera badging for call lights/communication with team members, while the phone is better for receiving pages for new admits."

    • Guest commented
      December 07, 2021 20:48

      This would be a perfect candidate for a system preference we could turn on or off at each site.

    • Francois Pepin commented
      December 07, 2021 20:47

      Often a single kerplunk on the badge is often overlooked or not noticed in hospitals. I’ve heard it many many times that that it’s not noticeable.

      Here is one use case:
      Charge nurses get notifications that are important, but not urgent. Things like new patients coming on to the unit, or temperature sensors that need attention. The vibration on the phone was the notification they noticed, and helped them triage the information so they knew they had something waiting, and could look at it when they were able to. We don’t want to mark these as Urgent, because they should still be different than important and urgent messages. Being logged in to the badge is still important as they are using the badge for PTT and Code Blue/Staff Assist broadcasts.