Vocera Customer Ideas

The Call Only Phone Icon has a Grey Dot, which is misleading - Recommend changing this Grey dot to Green to correctly indicate calling the User is "Available"

Currently the Staff Directory Call Only contact, which is associated with a desk phone, has a Phone Icon with a GREY dot.

Other Users who are not Call Only have three different colors of dots that indicate their status - Green dot (available), Red dot (DND), Grey dot (not logged in).

The Call Only Phone icon with the Grey dot is misleading as it appears that the User is NOT logged in, therefore cannot be contacted.

Recommend changing the Call Only Phone Icon, such as including permanent Green Dot, or no dot at all.

thank you!

  • Erin Maruoka
  • Mar 14 2021
  • Planned
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    • Mark Lichman commented
      March 26, 2021 20:49

      We are working on adding favoriting for call only contacts. These types of listings will not have a presence indicator.

      Within UCLA, contacts were created as users to allow favoriting behavior due to the current limitation, This should be resolved within the next two or three releases